Dear Sam, do I say this without getting to crazy...
Cough cough...
Oh my goodness,
I seriously can't believe that today marks 15 MONTHS!:)
I am so proud of you Sam,
Phila is so blessed to have such an amazing missionary like you:)
Keep up the amazing work Elder!:)
I was thinking back to a year ago today,
Your 3 month mark.
This is the month I finally came out of my "depression coma"
And realized,
"Hey, I can do this!!"
Most people say that time starts to go by fast at month 6,
But for me time started to fly at month three,
And ever since then it has been nothing but an adventure!:)
Look at us now,
15 months later:)
It's crazy how fast time seems to be going!!
{ok I'm secretly in love with how fast time seems to be going}
Well here is to another month down and 9 more months to go!:)
Are you kidding me?!
I wanted to share one last thing with you Sam:)
My screen saver from today...;)
I stayed up till midnight this morning,
So I could take a picture of this monumental moment!:)
This is what I do on the 2nd of every month,
I stay up till midnight and throw a mini celebration!:)
Today was no different,
Except I decided to jump on my bed,
Haha, it was kinda a lot of fun:D
How did you celebrate 15 months??:)
Happy Saturday Sam!:)
From Blackfoot to Phila...
xoxo- Chels:)